Friday 17 April 2009

Poet Doherty

Pete is singing Solo now; the prince of the Dark Side is back with us, bringing a new album. Why should we trust him again?

Pete is growing up: You may probably know better Pete Doherty trashy lifestyle than his songs, all the mess in the newspaper about him and his relationship, the drug addiction, and of course his difficulty to attend his concert. Nice picture? But the Libertin has changed and he is back with a genius new album solo Grace/ Wasteland.

Pete the Poet: Everybody knows that Pete has been through a difficult childhood. What a surprise when I rode that at 16 he won a prestigious Poetry Price. The imperceptible icon can be also romantic, does he? The disoriented poet is able to be so touching when he sings for us “Les fleurs du mal” Baudelaire.

Pete is able of the best too: This month he would be 30th, and maybe he is enough with immaturity and stupidity? Maybe it is the time of maturity? Between the realisation of 2 new albums, with BabySambles and a new Solo, Pete is singing for us the most beautiful poetry ever heard. I recommend you my two favorites songs: Salomé (Strauss) and Arcadie (Oscar Wild), it is a pure pleasure, to listen in the park, tube, bath, bed… Everywhere.
Pete Doherty, who find his stability can now make you shed a tear…

Happy Birthday Pete the Poet, we forgive you and welcome back.

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